Definition of Giant sequoia

1. Noun. Extremely lofty evergreen of southern end of western foothills of Sierra Nevada in California; largest living organism.

Definition of Giant sequoia

1. Proper noun. the USDA-preferred name for the species ''Sequoiadendron giganteum''. ¹

2. Proper noun. any of the trees belonging to this species, but especially the large and mature trees. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Giant Sequoia

giant planet
giant planets
giant potato creeper
giant puffball
giant quasar
giant radio galaxy
giant red paintbrush
giant reed
giant roundworm
giant salamander
giant scallop
giant schnauzer
giant scrambling fern
giant sequoia
giant sequoias
giant silkworm
giant silkworm moth
giant slalom
giant slaloms
giant squid
giant squids
giant star
giant stars
giant stock bean
giant sunflower
giant taro
giant timber bamboo

Literary usage of Giant sequoia

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Proceedings: Symposium on Fire in Wilderness and Park Management edited by James K. Brown, Robert W. Mutch, Charles W. Spoon, Ronald H. Wakimoto (1996)
"Growth releases frequently followed fire scars on the sequoia cross-sections analyzed during reconstruction of giant sequoia fire regimes (Swetnam 1992). ..."

2. Remote Sensing & Ecosystem Management: Proceedings of the Fifth Forest edited by Jerry D. Greer (1998)
"A feasibility study was conducted to determine if LANDSAT satellite imagery could detect a spectral signature unique to giant sequoia. ..."

3. Natural Advanced Geography by Jacques Wardlaw Redway, Russell Hinman (1898)
"The most remarkable forest growths are the two species of Sequoia, the giant sequoia (Sequoia gigantea) or "big tree" of the Sierra and the towering redwood ..."

4. The Book of the National Parks by Robert Sterling Yard (1919)
"Not even in the giant sequoia groves of the Sierra have I found any spot more cathedral- like than this. Its floor is brown and sweet-smelling, ..."

5. Luther Burbank: His Methods and Discoveries and Their Practical Application by Luther Burbank, John Whitson, Robert John, Henry Smith Williams, Luther Burbank Society (1915)
"I have raised the giant Sequoia (it is known technically as Sequoia ... be regarded as a comparatively recent variation from the form of the giant Sequoia. ..."

6. The California Spotted Owl: A Technical Assessment of Its Current Status. by Jared Verner (1994)
"The giant sequoia-mixed conifer forest community characterized through, pattern analysis as a mosaic of aggregations. ..."

7. Luther Burbank: His Methods and Discoveries and Their Practical Application by Luther Burbank, Luther Burbank Society (U.S.), John Whitson, Henry Smith Williams, Robert John (1915)
"I have raised the giant Sequoia (it is known technically as Sequoia ... be regarded as a comparatively recent variation from the form of the giant Sequoia. ..."

8. Adventure Guide to the Sierra Nevada by Wilbur H. Morrison (2000)
"This giant sequoia is 269 feet high and has a base circumference of 112 feet. Other highlights include deep canyons and mountain creeks that form dazzling ..."

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